We’ll help you protect your teeth from wearing down when clenching and grinding at night.
Grinding either during times of stress or at night can adversely affect your teeth, causing wear and sensitivity as well as fractures. It can also damage your jaw joint and muscles, and cause neck pain and headaches. Many patients aren’t even aware that they grind until we are able to show them with the assistance of photographs or a mirror.
For many a simple bruxing appliance that you wear to protect the teeth, joints and muscles, (generally at night) will stop further damage, and for some, break the habit. It will also mean a better nights sleep for you and your partner, not to mention a savings in future dental bills!
There are a variety of available nightguards and Dr. Gay can help choose the right one for you. They are custom fit to your mouth using models of your teeth obtained through dental impressions.
Biteplane or Dental Nightguard Treatment
Place in the mouth with both hands, do NOT bite into position. Remove with fingers on either side and lift up separately. Brush appliance with cold water and toothpaste after use. You can place the appliance in Polident once a week to keep it clean and fresh. Avoid getting heat near appliance. Ensure that your bite is balanced both left and right. When you grind laterally and front to back only the front teeth should make contact. The back teeth should have separation.