We’ll help you alleviate any discomfort and avoid future oral complications with root canal therapy.
If the nerve within your tooth becomes infected , due to trauma or extensive decay, root canal treatment can keep you from losing the tooth by removing the infection before it causes health complications.
A root canal will remove the discomfort caused by the swelling . If left untreated, it can cause severe health complications, because the bacteria from the infection can enter the bloodstream and travel to other parts of the body.
One way to treat the infection is to remove the tooth and disinfect the area. However, tooth loss creates a gap between surrounding teeth that often necessitates a dental implant or bridge. It is preferable to save the tooth if possible through root canal (endodontic) treatment.
We will drill a small opening in the tooth to access the infected pulp. This will relieve the pressure. Once the infected material is removed , and the space filled with a special packing material, the tooth is ready to be restored. Because the tooth is no longer ‘alive’ it becomes quite brittle over time, so it is best to restore it with a crown to prevent future fracture.
The root canal treatment is often performed in one visit, but depending on the number of roots that particular tooth has, the treatment may require additional visits. In some instances you may be referred to a specialist/endodontist . Dr. Gay refers to a specialist when the tooth has multiple canals, unusual anatomy, is calcified or presents other complications. A specialist will then be able to perform the root canal more quickly/comfortably for you. A second set of appointments may be required to complete the crown restoration.