Oral Health for Overall Health
Proper oral hygiene does not only prevent caries and periodontal disease but also affects our overall health and well-being.
At the Beacon Hill Dental Centre, Dr, Geoffrey Gay and his friendly team will teach you how to properly brush your teeth and show you the best techniques for maintaining good oral hygiene. We will also advise you when to remove dental plaque which forms on your teeth in places that are harder to clean.
Popular Services
Calculus (Tartar) & Stain Removal
We’ll help you remove stains and tartar build up in your mouth so that your mouth is healthy and you smile more confidently.
Tooth Desensitizing
Our experienced team will help you address any challenges or oral health issues including root exposure or wear.
Treatment of Gum Disease
We’ll help you reduce and eliminate the bacteria build up in tooth pockets that cause gum disease.
Nightguards (Bruxing Appliances)
We’ll help you protect your teeth from wearing down when clenching and grinding at night.
Custom Athletic Mouthguards
We’ll help you protect your teeth and improve performance with a custom made, comfortable sports guard.
Tooth Remineralization
We’ll help you keep your teeth clean, healthy, and strong with a special fluoride varnish treatment.